Every thing you need to know about goal setting to achieve your goals.


In today's world people are busy about making new year's resolutions and planning to achieve their goals, But still can't making enough progress to achieve their goals. They failing to execute there plans due to procrastination. They always searching for the perfect plan that leads to hindsight bias, But there is no perfect plan to achieve your goals. So, what exactly you can do to achieve your goals..!. Hmm... don't worry, I am here to tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. All you need to know is some principles to achieve your goals.

#1.Be Specific:

Being specific about what you want to achieve is really important in the long-term and short-term. Without that specificity we constantly rotating in the same place and can't make enough progress. It is Important to to know about what are your goals, what motivates you on this earth and what is your life mission. So, prepare the most important specific goal that you want to achieve.  

#2.End In Mind:

Begin with END IN MIND means to begin each task and project with clear vision and destination. knowing which place to go before starting journey is really important, not to get lost in that journey. It is applicable to the goal setting also. So, what is your end in mind for your most important goal?

#3.Think Long Term:

“You will make better decisions once you begin thinking long-term rather than short-term.”
― Adam Smith

Long-term thinking is really important in life and work. with the right mindset and right approach we can achieve great things in career and relationships in long-term. Plan for the long-term approach to achieve your goals.

#4.Prepare Short Term Mile Stones:

To know our progress for the long term we need to divide those long-term goals into short-term milestones or short-term goals that are practically achievable and motivate us to move forward to achieve our big goals. eg: Divide 5 years goal plan into 1 year and again divide it into 6 months and again into 1 month to form micro goals which are navigate you to achieve your big goal.

#5.One Step At A Time:

“Rome wasn’t built in a day” 

Don't get hurry to do all of the things at same time. Focus on one step at a time. By focusing on the one micro goal at a time we can make good progress through compounding our micro goals into the big goal. Remember slow and steady wins the race, Be patient. Train hard and never lose sight of your goals.

<= Key nuggets from these five principles=>

  • Know exactly what you want to achieve.
  • Have an awareness about end in mind.
  • Think about long-term.
  • Set micro goals to achieve the big goals.
  • Don't forget to make one step at a time by starting small.

If you want to know more about time management and goal setting, Here are the 3 books that are really helpful for me and definitely helpful to you..!

  1)Rework by David Heinemeier and Jason Fried

  2)10X RULE by Grant Cardone

  3)Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

So, what are your goals and how you going to achieve them? comment below...
Share your thoughts on goal setting..


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