Every thing you need to know about goal setting to achieve your goals.
GOAL SETTING In today's world people are busy about making new year's resolutions and planning to achieve their goals, But still can't making enough progress to achieve their goals. They failing to execute there plans due to procrastination . They always searching for the perfect plan that leads to hindsight bias, But there is no perfect plan to achieve your goals. So, what exactly you can do to achieve your goals..!. Hmm... don't worry, I am here to tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. All you need to know is some principles to achieve your goals. HERE ARE THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE SETTING GOALS TO ACHIEVE ...SO, LET'S GET STARTED....! #1.Be Specific: Being specific about what you want to achieve is really important in the long-term and short-term. Without that specificity we constantly rotating in the same place and can't make enough progress. It is Important to to know about what are your goals, wha...